Cut to a maximum length of... and a maximum width of... suitable for use in super presses and shears without additional preparation.
Effective as of: July 14th, 2022
Destroyed Steel Cars
Item Code: (45)
Bodies of steel cars cut apart sufficiently to load. (Specify kind.)
Rail, Steel No. 3
Item Code: (29)
Standard section tee, girder, and/or guard rails, to be free from frog and switch rails not cut apar...
Rail, Steel No. 2 Cropped Rail Ends
Item Code: (28C)
Standard section, original weight 50 pounds per yard and over, 3 feet long and under.
Sheet Scrap, No. 2
Item Code: (31)
Galvanized or tinned material and/or gas retorts, and/or any other iron or steel material not otherw...
Steel, Tool
Item Code: (32)
(Specify kind in offering.)